This week I started a new writing unit on biographies with my first graders.
Previously we have been working on just general information texts like:
"All about Snakes" or "All about NFL teams" or "All
about Lacross". We have talked at length and studied mentor texts to help
us with how to convey good information, make the best pictures we can for our
readers, and include non-fiction features that can help the reader to
understand the information (ie, labels, maps, headings, table of contents,
etc). It has been an exciting journey and they were more than excited to learn
about a "new" type of book on Monday.

Sometimes kids set you up for just what you were hoping. A couple of
students had begun planning a book about a person last week. I was able to
capitalize on that in my intro to biographies. After making lists of potential
subjects for our book, we then set about brainstorming what kind of information
would be important and interesting to note in our books about other people. The
conversation and ideas from these 6 and 7 year olds astounded me! (Now I wish I
had taken pictures of our charts and web of ideas...)
Given the theme of biographies and the fact that today will mark my 100th
post, I think I will attempt to document 100 "interesting" (okay,
that's pretty subjective) facts about myself. After all, you may want to know
more about me... (maybe).
Here goes...
1. I was born in Ohio, but have lived in Indiana for the past 10 years.
2. I have been a teacher for the past 6 years, all of them in first grade.
3. I have a degree in Special Education and Elementary Education.
4. My “first love” is students with special needs. I still hope to one day
play the role as a special education teacher.
5. I live with the best friends a girl could ask for (4 years, and still
6. My mom and I talk every Sunday (at least). I look forward to it every
week. Sometimes I can’t wait and have to call her on Saturday!
7. I am allergic to toothpaste and cinnamon gum.
8. I have never broken a major bone. (Does a toe count?)
9. When I was in first grade I was in a ballet class. I was so nervous about
the recital, I made myself sick to get out of it. I never took another dance
10. My parents were divorced when I was 5. As a result, I have two wonderful
step-parents in my life!
11. As a kid, we mainly had cats growing up. I can remember only one dog:
Ubu- like the commercial “Sit Ubu, sit”.
12. I graduated high school in a class of 91 students. I currently only keep
in touch with two of them.
13. My ten year high school reunion is this summer. I am still contemplating
going or not.
14. I failed my driver’s license test the first time I took it. I cried on
the couch for hours afterwards!
15. I don’t like coconut.
16. My favorite book is
My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok, but I am
always looking for new titles to love.
17. I played volleyball in high school but was never really good enough to
pursue it later in life.
18. I have a serious weakness for ice cream.
19. Number 18 is why I had to give ice cream up for Lent.
20. Within one year I went to Cambodia, France/Spain, and Thailand. I loved
them all!
21. In college, I actively pursued the option of becoming a missionary
22. I always tell my students that my favorite animals are giraffes and
elephants. That is true, but also I say this because I can draw them when I
have to model writing in writing workshop.
23. I didn’t learn to love non-fiction texts until I became a teacher.
24. South America and Africa are two continents I would still like to visit.
25. I got my nose pierced 4 years ago. I love it. No regrets!
26. I have short hair. I am a short hair advocate! I don’t think I will ever
go back to long locks.
27. I started “running” this past summer. I ran in two 5k races and dressed
up like a turtle in one. 28. I plan to run at least 3 more races this upcoming
29. I have never considered myself an athlete or a runner. Still don’t.
30. I went to a Christian school from grades 5-12 and a Christian college. I
loved my experiences at both!
31. Although, I have always wondered what it would have been like to go to a
major university.
32. I wish I had had the courage to apply to an Ivy League school when I was
looking at colleges. I probably wouldn’t have gotten in, but trying would have
been the first step.
33. I have an amazing sister. She is 7 years older than I am, and now that
we are both adults, we have a lot of fun together. Growing up was mainly one
fight after another!
34. My step sister gave me three fantastic nephews: Kole, Reid, and Will. I
wish I could see them more often.
35. I love to ride my bike. In the summers we like to ride and get ice
36. Jimmy Fallon is quite possibly my dream man. I mean, he is funny,
adorable, and SO talented. I wish I could stay up late and watch his show every
37. My mom DVR’s Late Night with Jimmy Fallon for me. So, when I go home to
Ohio, I have a ton of old episodes to pick from!
38. I have never bungee jumped or been sky diving, but I would like to try
39. I was once offered a teaching
job in Korea. I seriously considered it until telling my family. Then I turned
the job down.
40. From the age 16 until I was out
of college I worked in a library. I loved it!
41. When I was young I wanted to be
the first woman President. Now I don’t even have an interest in politics.
42. I can’t handle the idea of
veins, or a pulse, or blood pressure. Talking, thinking, and even knowing about
them sometimes make me feel like passing out.
43. I love spicy food!
44. I was pulled over twice last
45. I got a warning both times! J
46. I grew up in church, and believe
that church and community in a church can be a powerful thing, but I haven’t
regularly attended a church in a year and a half.
47. I wish I could find a church.
48. My first boyfriend was a twin.
49. My idea of “world news” is to
read Yahoo! news articles or US weekly.
50. I hate to wear socks- even in
the winter!
51. I have a small tattoo on my
right foot.
52. Last summer my aunt taught me
how to make jell-o shots.
53. I have taken several pottery
classes and loved “throwing” on the wheel.
54. I can be a little obsessive
compulsive when it comes to organization.
55. I am afraid of horses. They have
such big teeth!
56. I never had a nickname growing
up. I always wanted one.
57. My senior year of college I
lived off campus with friends. It was one of the best experiences of my life!
58. I won a teaching award in
59. I once spelled the word
spaghetti wrong while my principal was evaluating me. Oops.
60. For my 16th birthday
my dad gave me a Roth IRA. I thought it was going to be a car. I ran out of the
room crying in front of everyone.
61. I wish I hadn’t started this
62. I am beginning to wonder if
anyone will actually read all of these ridiculous things!
63. I have a pet Tarantula in my classroom.
His name is Chester.
64. No, I don’t take him out and
hold him. Gross.
65. When I was little I was playing
house and decided to “iron” the bedspread. I ended up putting large iron marks
in the carpet of my dad’s apartment. Years later I learned that because of me,
he didn’t get his deposit back on that apartment.
66. I want to learn to sew. I am
afraid that it is a dying art. Who will hem pants for the younger generation?
67. I used to think that the
Classics were the only books worth my time. Rubbish. Now, I can’t remember the
last time I read a Classic!
68. I love to travel. I am already
having a hard time fitting all of my trips in for the summer.
69. I started my Master’s degree
almost two years ago.
70. I will graduate this July! J
71. In high school I fell on risers
in front of my entire choir class.
72. I didn’t start wearing glasses
until I was a freshman in high school.
73. I didn’t start wearing contacts until
I was a freshman in college.
74. I never used to wear dangly
earrings. I was afraid it would rip my ear on accident.
75. Now I hardly go a day without a
pair of big dangly earrings!
76. I started this blog because a
friend made me create one. I kept it a secret for a long time.
77. I once saw a man get shot.
78. I used to have a rabbit when I
was a little girl. I can’t remember his name at all. Neither can my mom or my
79. I had twin baby dolls as a
little girl. I named them Andy and Amy.
80. The password that I use for most
things is a made up word from 7th grade.
81. I have had the same email
address since 6th grade.
82. I have always wanted to adopt
children someday.
83. Chap stick is my biggest
84. Two years ago I started going to
a Zumba class. I still feel ridiculous, but it is exercise that puts a smile on
your face!
85. I save tons of artwork from my
students every year. In the summer time I get it out and look at all of it. It
makes me happy.
86. I have never been water skiing.
87. I had to cheat on my Ohio
Boating License. It took 4 of us and three computers (using Google) for me to
88. I am new to twitter. I don’t
entirely get it. I haven’t “tweeted” yet.
89. I learned how to play Angry
Birds from a 2 year old.
90. Singing has never been one of my
talents, but I was once in a Winnie the Pooh musical. I played Eeyore.
91. One of my collections as a
little girl was of miniature tea sets. I think I still have them all.
92. This list took a lot longer than
I expected.
93. My favorite movie is “Shawshank
94. I tell my first graders that my
favorite color changes. I just don’t want to commit.
95. Retirement and understanding my
finances is something that I worry about. A lot. (I am 27 years old currently).
96. If I ever get married, I am not
sure I would have the traditional wedding.
97. I once put salad dressing all
over an old boyfriend’s brand new car.
98. In first grade, I stole a mini
stapler from my teacher. Later I lied to her about stealing it.
99. I hate diet pop.
100. The Slice of Life group is such
a great community. I feel lucky to be a part of it!
Are you still there?