Thursday, March 7, 2013


I've spent the day mulling over what should be my topic tonight. I even crafted silly ways to post pictures to go along with my girl-ish notions. On a whim, I painted my fingernails, which I never do. It felt frilly, and silly, and well... girly.

However, reality can hit you even when you are being whimsical. A friend was telling me about his friend who was killed yesterday. The shock of life and death never ceases to astound me. Life. It comes and goes. We all know this in our heads, but the reality stings in the heart.

I had to stop and think. Think about the family and friends. The shock. The bitterness, the resentment, the grief and the sorrow that may come. People are left behind to wonder: Why? What's the reason? The purpose? What now?

I don't know these people who are now grieving, but sadly we all know the gaping hole that can be caused by death.

Sometimes it takes events such as these to remind us: Live life. Don't regret. Say what you feel. Be happy. Take Courage. Love those around you. Capture the moment.

I hope to remember these truths even when I am feeling girly and frilly and silly. Everyday.


  1. Yeah. That will stop anyone in their tracks. Life is so precious. We get so caught up in life. Thanks for the reminder tonight.

  2. The title of this post fits. Glad you are choosing to love, to capture the moment, to be happy.

  3. Death does intrude, often when we least expect it.
    You were so right about how we really do have to embrace live.
    Very thoughtfiul post.


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